
May News

Check out the latest LocationTech news

March News

Catch up on the latest news and events with our March newsletter.

February News

Thankfully, with 2020 behind us the LocationTech team is looking to the future. Projects that were delayed last year are moving forward and opportunities abound.

Goodbye 2020!

Well, what a year! Who would have predicted a global pandemic and the havoc it wreaked in 2020?

Celebrating location and sharing our story

Since our last newsletter, there have been a couple of prominent elections. While there is little comparison between ours, here in New Zealand and the United States of America, both heralded change.

September Newsletter – LocationTech Reinvented

Welcome to the first edition of the LocationTech newsletter. As a reminder, the Spatial Industry Business Association (SIBA) joined the New Zealand Tech Alliance and has been reinvented LocationTech.